After being ignored and their calls to the administration unanswered, the Military Families United is taking their fight to the First lady. So far, Mrs. Obama has not answered or responded to the letter. Here is the letter for your reading pleasure:
Open Letter to Ms. Obama Concerning Military Families
Washington, DC, March 11, 2009 – John Ellsworth, President of Military Families United, the nation’s leading military family advocacy organization sent the following letter to First Lady Michelle Obama concerning her involvement with military families.
Dear Ms. Obama:
As a Gold Star Father and President of Military Families United, the leading military family advocacy organization, words could not adequately express my satisfaction and optimism in learning that the needs of military families were going to be among your top priorities as First Lady. America’s military families need your attention, strength and support as they handle the costs of the ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
We at Military Families United were excited at the prospect of working with your office to ensure that the voices and stories of our military families were heard by the American people and the world. However, after numerous attempts to contact your office, our phone calls have been unreturned and emails have gone unanswered. When we learned of your trip to Fort Bragg this week we reached out to your office and to Fort Bragg offering our help in coordinating meetings between you and military families, but were told that our help was unwanted and unneeded.
We are the largest military family organization in the nation and we want to work with you. Unfortunately, our attempts thus far to assist you and your staff have been turned away.
As you are aware, military families bear the burden of the war on terror and share in the sacrifices of their troops. Military Families United is a non-partisan, non-profit organization that represents and supports the families of the courageous men and women in uniform who keep America safe and secure. We share your goals for honoring our troops and their families. We believe strongly that Military Families United could greatly contribute to your outreach efforts.
We are readily available to meet with you and provide the assistance to your office that will help our nation’s military families receive the recognition, appreciation, and benefits they deserve.
John Ellsworth
President of Military Families United
Proud Father of Lance Corporal Justin Ellsworth (KIA 11/13/04)
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